Never Been to a Kite Festival You Say?
Well, then this one is for you! And if you have then this one is for you too!
Well, then this one is for you! And if you have then this one is for you too!
Sorry! I was too busy flying kites and not so busy updating the website or the SoMe channels, but wow! I do got a lot of stuff to share with you so stay tuned!
Just like last year I put all the videos about and from the Nordic Kite Meeting into one playlist at YouTube.
Yes, most of the stuff required for close to one week flying on the Blokhus Beach is now ready!
I’ve just done a quick check on the weather forecast for the Blokhus region for the next ten days.
And windy it was, so a perfect evening to take the A-Quad Storm out for a quick spin!
On Tuesday May 24th, version 6.0 of WordPress was released! The AERIALIS Kites website is still running on version 5.9.3, but I’m preparing for the upgrade!
Yes, because on Tuesday May 31st I jump into my car heading south to Gothenburg to pick up Anders and together we go to the Nordic Kite Meeting!
Take part in the raffle at the Blokhus Wind Festival and you might walk away with a cool prizes!
Follow us in all the action!
Improve your flying skills with our tutorials!
More than 300 kite videos to watch!
Follow us on the social media!
Adding another dimension to your flying!
Reviews and videos of classic stunt kites!