The falling snow is fake but the rest of it is all true. Come on and feel the Fro’Zen!
The falling snow is fake but the rest of it is all true. Come on and feel the Fro’Zen!
Winter can be crap but not quite so today. Cold, sure, but just dress to the occasion and you’re good to go!
I off course submitted a video to the Virtual Windless Kite Festival 2021. And here it is!
Like mentioned in my previous post, I promised you a quick fill in from the A-Wing’s initial flight. Here it is!
Inspired by the Virtual Windless Kite Festival and all of the GREAT videos submitted I decided to make myself a small glider!
Another fascination about kite flying is kite aerial photography or KAP as it’s called. With a GoPro camera you can also do kite aerial videography!
Yesterday I was fortunate enough to get a glimpse of that kite festival feeling again attending the Virtual Windless Kite Festival 2021!
I didn’t bring the KAP-stuff only. No, deep down in my rucksack I’d tucked away a short quad line set and an A-quad Hardcore was hiding amongst the single lined kites!
Today at noon we entered yet another lockdown. Most businesses and social activities are shut down and mobility reduced to a minimum.
Follow us in all the action!
Improve your flying skills with our tutorials!
More than 300 kite videos to watch!
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Adding another dimension to your flying!
Reviews and videos of classic stunt kites!
There are two locations for us to fly at the NKM25, Blokhus Beach and Saltum Beach.
This popup will be updated every day during the week with information on where we fly each day.
So make sure to browse by if you want to join us on the beach!