A couple of days ago I did some cleaning down in the basement where I keep my kites. Yes, there are loads of them down there! 😉 And guess what?! I found a kite I bought many years ago and had forgotten that was down there! What a pleasent surprise!
After some “work” on Google,I found when I flew this kite the last time. It was on the 50th anniversity of this bridge…

The AERIALIS Kite Club was invited to fly a bunch of kites at this bridge back on August 18th 2007, and so we did. One of these kites was the one that showed up in the basement, and I thought, heck, why not fly it again now 14 years later?!

And so I did! On my way to the stable, I stopped at a place called Rødsund, and I flew my kite off a small jetty in somewhat gusty winds. However, the kite flew as well as it did back in 2007 and it pulled like a truck! I even hooked up my KAP-rig and did some kite aerial videography.
Big fun! Just check out the video below!