Sport Kite Podcast!
Check out the brand new podcast all about Sport Kiting. Yes, it’s available on Spotify!
Check out the brand new podcast all about Sport Kiting. Yes, it’s available on Spotify!
The current storm is supposed to calm down tomorrow afternoon and Saturday looks promising for another stab at KAP.
I kind of got challenged to participate in the Glider Project by the Virtual Windless Kite Festival 2021. Today’s conditions were perfect to take the Urban Ninja outta its bag!
It’s always exciting when you’re waiting for the postman to drop off a parcel on your doorstep. Pretty much like today!
This definitely defines me as a nerd. Going flying in the middle of the night, pitch-black conditions, -10°C and winds at about 10m/sec!
Both the calendar and the temperature say it’s winter. But the snow is sadly absent.
After I made myself a teleprompter, I’ve changed my way of making tutorials slightly. Here’s a quick rundown.
It seems like the weather in Gothenburg has been pretty much like what I’ve been having a bit further up north. That means sun and a light breeze.
After a record breaking rainy December, the final day of the Christmas vacation brought sunshine and onshore winds!
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There are two locations for us to fly at the NKM25, Blokhus Beach and Saltum Beach.
This popup will be updated every day during the week with information on where we fly each day.
So make sure to browse by if you want to join us on the beach!