So, are you thinking of designing your own kite? I’ve played with the thought several times, but so far, I’m nothing but a copycat.
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The 27th Nordic Kite Meeting
Blokhus Denmark
June 2nd - 8th 2025
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Blokhus Denmark
June 7th - 8th 2025

However, here are a few general rules of thumb on sport kite characteristics.

Although nothing is guaranteed on any kite, the general rules are as follows:

  • High bridle = tracks well, flies forwards well, turns slowly
  • Low bridle = tracks poorly, flies slower, turns fast (the dynamic bridle effectively combines the best elements of each)
  • Inboard bridle = difficult to turn therefore tracks well
  • Outboard bridle = easy and fast to turn, may oversteer, track badly
  • Inboard stand-off = kite is stable (because more air is pushing against the outer panels)
  • Outboard stand-off = kite is less stable and more inclined to turn
  • Long stand-off = deep sail, stable and solid in the air
  • Short stand-off = shallow sail, less stable
  • Slack sail = noisy, inefficient, flies slowly and sturdily
  • Tight sail = quiet, smooth and slick but may be sensitive
  • Straight leading edge = tracks well, better at precision
  • Curved leading edge = turns and tricks well

As you can see, there are trade-offs between the two extremes of any feature.

If you want a radical trick kite, you might have a tight sail, curved leading edge, outboard and low set bridle and outboard stand-offs (like the Stranger, for example) but you lose precision.

At the other extreme, a straight L/E kite with slacker sail, inboard bridle and stand-offs (say the Northshore Radical) tracks like it’s on rails, has excellent speed tolerance and great precision, but it doesn’t trick well.

Remember this when you start experimenting, and you might save some time during the development phase!

This article was first published on the AERIALIS-DOT-COM website on 28th Nov. 2005.

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Today - 14.03.2025 - the AERIALIS Team Flyers will fly at SALTUM BEACH!

Where to find us at the NKM 2025

We have two flying locations at NKM25: Blokhus Beach and Saltum Beach.

This popup will be updated daily throughout the week with the latest information on where we’ll be flying each day.

Be sure to check in if you’d like to join us on the beach!

Blokhus Beach

Saltum Beach

...days until departure!
...and we're off!
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See you at the 26th
Nordic Kite Meeting!

Blokhus, Denmark

June 2nd to 8th, 2025

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