You know…. The rustling of the leaves, some motion amongst the flags at the gas station, the curling of the water on the fjord. Small signs of wind and all indicating an onshore direction.
So with a couple of spare hours on my hands after work I found myself on the beautiful September beach. And I was right. The light wind was spot onshore, perfect for having fun on strings, four strings.
The WindVale was my choice for the conditions and nothing quite comes close to flying one of your own creations!

On ten meter (30ft) lines the WindVale was a bliss. Very agile and with its dynamic bridle giving plenty of feedback to the pilot. Quite extraordinary actually, because the feel on the breaking lines is soooo crisp and it really feels like a direct connection to the kite.
I’m able to really tune the input and the impact it’s having on the kite, especially when it comes to (all sorts of) rotations. If we ever get to fly together I’d be more than happy to let you have a go!
Meanwhile, you’ll have to bear with me flying!