In February or March next year the AERIALIS Team Flyers …and friends are staging a workshop. But we have already started the planning
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The 27th Nordic Kite Meeting
Blokhus Denmark
June 2nd - 8th 2025
Blokhus Wind Festival
Blokhus Denmark
June 7th - 8th 2025

As you can read in another blog post here at AERIALIS Kites, the prototype is ready. Anders has been busy (?) working out the design, sail pattern, framing and bridling the prototype and just a few days ago he took it for its virgin flight!

Anders flying the new team QLK

But that’s just the first step. Now we have to find what materials we need to make the kites at the workshop. So today I dived deep down into the basement and dug out all my icarex… and ventex. Which colours do we have and what quantities.

I unrolled every piece of icky on the living room floor, shot a photo and measured them all. Actually I do have quite a pile!

Here you can see a handful of the icky just waiting for that gentle breeze whispering in from the ocean longing to fly!

More bits and pieces will be required, but getting the fabrics straight is definitely one step closer to start the … production!

And don’t be afraid. The whole process will be covered – in detail – here at AERIALIS Kites, so stay tuned for more!

0 responses

  1. > The whole process will be cowered – in detail – here at AERIALIS Kites, so stay tuned for more!

    Always fun and educational with a building project to follow. Any plans for vented versions?

    > icarex… and ventex

    Different as in ripstop polyester and ripstop polyester? OK, a bit on the provocative side here – I’m sure that they got different properties. Did try to compare *patches* of Icarex to ripstop *nylon*, found a bit surprising difference in the sound when wrinkling it, but did not really get any wiser. I’ll see if I my HQ Maestrale (bought from Anders Mattson by the end of the nineties btw.) or my HQ City Session got a Ventex sail so that I can compare. My Jam Session from the same time is much too worn for the sail fabric to be useful in such a comparison.

    > Here you can see a handful of the icky just waiting for that gentle breeze whispering in from the ocean longing to fly!

    Ohhh… thank you 🙂 🙂 : (Ok, I know you didn’t refer to my somewhat dormant Kite Life blog , but I just couldn’t resist it)
    And btw, I must be slow, first now I realized what ”icky” (as e.g. in ) must mean.

  2. …Always fun and educational with a building project to follow. Any plans for vented versions?…

    Yes, hopefully, the sharing will benefit us all! 🙂
    No, currently no plans (if not Anders is hiding something up his sleeve) for ventilation.

    …Different as in ripstop polyester and ripstop polyester? OK, a bit on the provocative side here – I’m sure that they got different properties…
    Yes, I’m pretty sure they have different properties. What the differences are and how they will affect the kite itself I don’t know. Hopefully not much and maybe the differences can be utilized as a feature. Who knows?

    …well… Anders maybe 😉

    Yup! Icky = Icarex! 🙂


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Where do we fly today?

Today - 14.03.2025 - the AERIALIS Team Flyers will fly at SALTUM BEACH!

Where to find us at the NKM 2025

We have two flying locations at NKM25: Blokhus Beach and Saltum Beach.

This popup will be updated daily throughout the week with the latest information on where we’ll be flying each day.

Be sure to check in if you’d like to join us on the beach!

Blokhus Beach

Saltum Beach

...days until departure!
...and we're off!
Transparent NKM logo

See you at the 26th
Nordic Kite Meeting!

Blokhus, Denmark

June 2nd to 8th, 2025

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