Before you can start flying, you will need to assemble your quad kite. In this tutorial I’ll show you how!
Kite assembled; now you need to get the flying lines ready. It’s not difficult. I’ll let you all in on it in this tutorial.
Before you can fly, you need to attach your kite to the flying lines. You do that using a Larks Head Knot.
After a nice day on the flying field, you must disassemble and pack up your kite. Thankfully it’s an easy peasy job.
All right. Let’s get to the flying. In this video I teach you the basics on launching and landing your qud kite.
John Barresi taught me a good way on how to practice new stuff. It’s called the five reps practice method.
There’s much more to it than just launch and land your kite. In this tutorial we take a closer look at how to turn it!
When you have mastered the UP-turn you’re ready to take it a step further. In this tutorial you’ll learn the DOWN-turn!
This ‘trick’ is actually not too difficult. All you need is light winds, a suitable kite, a short (10m/30ft) lineset and this tutorial!
Most – if not all – quad kites will do the axel. All you need is to learn how. And that’s exactly what you get in this tutorial!