The above is taken from the website of Nic O’Neil, Fortuna Found. You can read all about the eight different challenges.
The challenges are meant for folks that are looking for challenge that will test their ability, or encourage them to work on a new skill. Kite related off course! Try something new using skills you have learned elsewhere, or just try something new!
There are several kinds of different challenges and the Bell Challenges goes like this…
- Recess Time (video challenge)
- Tail Talk (photo challenge)
- Accessory Craftsmanship (build challenge)
- One in the Hand Bird Challenge (build challenge)
- Fight Me! (video challenge)
- Kite Craftsmanship (build challenge)
- The Oldies New (photo/video challenge)
- Into the Wild (design/art challenge)
There is NO COST TO ENTER, and there is NO LIMIT TO THE NUMBER OF ENTRIES. Yes, you can enter one challenge MULTIPLE TIMES, or enter every challenge!
Direct Link to the site: