Some say that kite aerial photography is best when the sun is shining. I can agree to that, but it’s not too bad playing around when it’s overcast either!
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The 27th Nordic Kite Meeting
Blokhus Denmark
June 2nd - 8th 2025
Blokhus Wind Festival
Blokhus Denmark
June 7th - 8th 2025

So despite being overcast, I grabbed for my KAP gear, a handful of lifter kites and jumped into my KiteMobile heading for a place exposed for those northeasterly winds blowing. I had a good feeling that one of the jettys on the west side of the Kurefjord could be a good choice … and it was!

The winds – somewhat bumpy – came in from across the small fjord and hit the land on my side perfectly for some kite aerial photography. I first pulled out the Power Sled 2.4 and soon it was flying up there. But I wasn’t quite happy with its stability. No major problems, but after having forgotten the gimbal at home, I was hoping the kite to be a little more stable up there. No worries though. I had brought other kites!

So I pulled another one out of its bag; the 2m² Pilot Kite by Peter Lynn. A little bit smaller than the 2.4 and hopefully a little more stable too. It didn’t take long until the green Pilot Kite was sitting up there beside the Power Sled and it was clear that the Pilot was the more stable one, making the choice an easy one.

Launching the Peter Lynn Pilot Kite 2.0 (on a sunny day)
Launching the Peter Lynn Pilot Kite 2.0 (on a sunny day)

As soon as I had decided on what kite to fly I hooked the KAP-rig and the GoPro camera onto the flying line and sent it all high up into the air. Despite flying the KAP-gear using the more stable kite, the wind was bumpy every now and then it sent the rig jumping around all over the place. A job too tough(?) for the Hypersmooth feature of the GoPro? No worries, If the footage is too unstable I just do some screenshots instead!

I spent an hour or so flying the kite capturing where the water was meeting the land because I really like the contrasts it makes. Going low you’ll catch the tiny details and going high you’ll get the big picture. Fascinating!

Yes, the footage got a little … no … quite bumpy! So I had to go for screenshots in the video below rather than the video footage!

Where the Water Meets the Land

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See you at the 26th
Nordic Kite Meeting!

Blokhus, Denmark

May 13th - 19th, 2023

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