Now when the website is totally rebuilt, it’s about time to back it all up. That job is now completed!
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Yes, right now a complete backup is sitting safely in the ‘cloud’ thanks to the services of Manage WP! A great tool for managing several WordPress websites.

I’ve used their free backup tool for some time now backing up each site once a month. For most of my sites, that’s more than enough, but for the AERIALIS Kites website I am now opting for a paid service that will back up the site on a daily basis.

Yes, I know that my ISP also stores backups, but they are not on a daily basis nor are they WordPress specific and a restore can be, well, let’s say cumbersome.

Restoring from a backup by Manage WP however is just one click away and if things are really screwed up, I can clone a backup into a new and absolutely squeaky clean one. Yes, I’ve done that a couple of times and it works like a charm.

I really hope this in addition to quite a few other security precautions I’ve made, will keep the site up and running for years to come! ????

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Blokhus, Denmark

May 13th - 19th, 2023

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