With the sweat dribbling down my face I walked from the parking down to the beach while the sun was beating down. It was really hot and despite being on the beach, it didn’t cool down at all!

You know, normally there’s a bit of wind down by the water. A bit of wind that will play with your kites. A bit of wind that will kind of cool things down a little. But not today.

Today wasn’t normal. Just a very light breath of air in from the water and it was as hot as ****! But sufficient to play with my Zaephay! That light/no wind quad I built a few years ago.

This kite is so much fun to fly when the wind is dropping really low, just like today. You just guide it around out there at the end of the flying lines and it will do the most incredible moves.
Check out that awesome glide at 1:30 in the video below!