It’s now bye bye to the darkish look and feel of the AERIALIs Kites website. Summer’s here and it’s time to put on the summer clothing! Now we’re talking light and bright and with the shades on!
I have also done quite a big change on the front page. I hope for the better.
Now the front page is concentrating (much) more on the blog posts and it’s divided into five different sections:
- Fresh from the Blog
- AERIALIS Team Flyers
- Flying Tips
- Tech and Tuning & Other Stuff
Fresh from the Blog
In this section, the four most recent blog posts are displayed. Hover over the images and you will see the post’s heading.
In this section, you will find the twenty (not including the four posts in the ‘Fresh from the Blog’ section) most recent posts categorized under the AERIALIS Kites category.
AERIALIS Team Flyers
I reckon you have guessed it already! Yeah, in this section you will find the twelve (not including the four posts in the ‘Fresh from the Blog’ section) most recent posts categorized under the AERIALIS Team Flyers category.
Flying Tips
If you’re looking for posts about flying tips, you will find the most recent ones in this section.
Tech and Tuning & Other Stuff
…and in this section, you will find all the other stuff that’s not listed in the other sections above.

Tag Filter
If you take a closer look at the four last sections, you will see the Tag Cloud for the displayed blog posts.

By clicking on of these tags, the section will be filtered by this tag, showing only the posts including your selected tag. Just like in the image below. Here I have selected the tag VIDEO and the section is now displaying blog posts including the VIDEO tag.

I really do hope this will increase user-friendliness and guide you to the blog posts you’re interested in.
…and of course you can still use the menu for finding your blog posts, and the search function that will let you enter keywords and finds the posts (and pages) including your specific search phrase!
Hope you like it!