If you have had that feeling, you know what I’m talking about. If not, I guess you really don’t understand, but I will try to let you in on it.
The Cosmic TC, a great trick/freestyle kite from German Kitehouse is always with me in my kite bag. It has become one of my absolute favourite kites and when the conditions are right, i really love to fly it.
The Cosmic comes in four versions. The Ghost for really light winds, the UL for light winds, the STD for medium winds and the VTD for strong winds. I’m the proud owner of a Ghost, UL and a STD.

Unfortunately I was in a state of absent minded when packing for the NKM and forgot to put the Ghost and the UL in the bag. The STD however was there when I needed it.
Perfect conditions! Winds coming smoooothly along the beach clocking in at about 3.5m/sec (7-8mph) and a Cosmic TC STD at the end of the lines. I could do anything! A little input and – Voila! – the kite did exactly what I wanted it to do!

And then you feel it, that connection to your kite and the elements. You all become one. With that favourite music in your ears, a smooth breeze caressing the sandy beach, the waves brakes and washes onto the sand, your flying lines becomes one with you telling the kite exactly what you want it to do.
AoxomoxoA they call it!
This won’t happen too often. But once in a while everything just click and you’re in that state of mind. Just what happened for an hour or so on the Blokhus Beach. Thankfully I was there to experience it and thankfully I got a bit of it on video as well.
So if you wonder what it looks like, here’s a quick view!