The Nirvana by French R-Sky was more than hyped up prior to its release just before Christmas 2002 (if I remember correctly). Could it really live up to its expectations?
In my opinion… YES!
I must have logged hundreds, maybe thousands of hours flying my Nirvanas. I have all versions, the W(ithout)W(ind), the UltraLight, the Standard and the H(igh)W(ind) so I’m prepared for almost any kind of wind. Today, with winds at about 3 m/sec, the UltraLight is the right kite, that’s a no-brainer! And perhaps the most versatile of the four different Nirvana versions. I find it a blast to fly and I have three of them in my bag, all worn and taped, but still flying like new, or better.
Here’s what I’m talking about!