While listening to some cool music I’m into the final preparations before we leave for a week of kite fun at the Nordic Kite Meeting and the Blokhus Wind Festival.
There are quite a few things to do before such an event and even though I have tons of experience, it’s easy to forget a thing or two. But the packing is in full action and quite a bit of gear is already in the back of my car.
Bur I have a little trick up my sleeve. A to-do-list.
In the weeks leading up to the departure date, I start writing down things I must remember to do, find, accomplish, complete….whatever. And as I get things done, I tick them off that to-do-list of mine.
Not all items on my list are directly kite related. Like mowing the lawn before I leave. You know, keeping my wife’s Goodwill Account on the Plus side! 👌
But most items are directly related to festival preparations.