When i walked down to the water it was absolutely dead calm. Not a breath of wind. All right, the Rokkakus in my hand was not gonna get up there today. The drone however!
I had the drone in my rucksack and its batteries on my inner pocket to keep them warm. So I left the kite bag leaning up against an old weatherbeaten pine and grabbed for the Mavic Mini.

I soon had everything set up and connected and all that was left to do before takeoff was to find a useful spot for launching. Some piece of flat and frozen ground was perfect and I soon had the Mini humming happily a meter or so above the ground. Ready to fly!
This was my second (only) flight of the Mini so most of the time I was in practice mode just playing around and getting to know the drone and its capabilities a bit better. I’m impressed how easy it is to get going and it didn’t take long until I could launch it in there between the pines and do a cinematic shot while slowly flying out of the forest, over the beach and out over the water.
After “two batteries”my hands got so cold I could hardly hold on to the remote any longer so I decided to bring the drone down and head back home and a warm fireplace.
And as I returned from hypothermia ? I put together this little video!