Yet another cold day here up in my neck of the woods and the north easterly winds were much stronger than I thought. Meaning a pretty cold hour or so on the beach.
But wind makes kite kites fly so no complaints from my side and soon one of my Rokkakus soared up there and I was ready to hook the KAP-rig onto the taut flying line.
When the temperature drops way below freezing and the winds build up, your hands and fingers get really cold despite wearing kite mittens so I fiddled quite a bit before I got the KAP-rig ready. But finally everything was in place, the GoPro connected to my phone and I could let go of more line!

I was wondering if it was too cold for the GoPro. -8°C and winds at 6-7ms makes for really chilly conditions, but so far it looked good. But my hands….! Brrrrrr!

But soon the camera was way up there and I could see what was going on the screen of my phone. It looked good! I got really good footage of one of my favourite flying fields, the Tronvik Beach.

The beach is facing north and when the wind is coming from that direction, this is a super place to fly. Just like today.
When I got back home and warmed up a little, I put together a little video of the footage captured by my GoPro.
Here we go!