I live just across the street from an old school, and when walking the dogs here the other day I got a great idea while walking by one of the schoolyards.
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The 27th Nordic Kite Meeting
Blokhus Denmark
June 2nd - 8th 2025
Blokhus Wind Festival
Blokhus Denmark
June 7th - 8th 2025

So I walk past the schoolyards pretty often and here the other day walking the dogs, I got an idea. This schoolyard is absolutely surrounded by buildings (and trees). And it’s big enough to cater for some true no wind flying.

Inspired by Exult’s recent comment I decided to give it a go yesterday. So late in the evening I grabbed the Zaephay and a (very) short line set and walked the 200 meters from my house and into the schoolyard. There was no wind, or actually it was, but well in between the buildings, I couldn’t feel even a whisker. Great for trying out true no wind flying.

I assembled the kite and attached the flying lines and I was ready to fly (at the) Old School!

If I brought my video camera?

Well, off course I did!

It was dark, but the schoolyard is floodlit so that helps with the quality of the video, but using my phone for filming, you cannot expect the very best.

Anyway,you clearly can see what’s going on! 🙂

Flying at the Old School

2 responses

  1. Nice city/action/night themed video with authentic low illumination pixel noise, completed by “funny” colours. 🙂

    You seen to progress at a scary rate – 360ies yesterday and up and overs the next day (well evening then)!! Your 360ies already look calmer (or perhaps it was only the wind on the field by the sea that caused the hurry?)!

    Hmmm…. I don’t think you can call this piloting Old School…

    > …the other day walking the dogs…

    Work, a horse and now dogs as well – How do you get any time left for kiting?

    1. Yeah, the video came out pretty good despite the darkish conditions. 🙂

      …and regarding pets…. They stock up like:

      1 cat
      3 dogs
      4 horses (of which one is pregnant)

      Work…? What work? 😉

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See you at the 26th
Nordic Kite Meeting!

Blokhus, Denmark

May 13th - 19th, 2023

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