So with a bunch of rokkakus in a bag over my shoulder and a rucksack full of flying lines and … stuff, I headed for a spring fly on the beach. But when I got there the wind was very, very light. Hmmmm…. Did I have any rokkakus that would fly in these light winds?
I opened up the kite bag and did a quick inventory check. Hmmm… Maybe the Red’n’Shiny?

Well, I decided to give it a go and after some struggling down low in the almost no existing winds, I finally had it high up there. But the winds even high up was pretty light and changing both in speed and direction all the time and I had to keep watching what was going on up there to keep the Red’n’Shine aloft up there.
A sudden drop in the wind and I had to work to get it to rise again, but finally, the wind died down and it was impossible to fly any of my Rokkakus anymore. However, I was hoping the variations of the wind was a sign of it turning and picking up.
And if you take a look at the video below, you’ll soon find out if I was right or not!