And guess what! I did manage to squeeze an hour or so of flying into a rather tight schedule. There was a very light drizzle in the air but not too much to worry about. The wind – once again onshore – clocked in at 10-12ms (22-27mph) preparing the ground for a full vented quad kite. The Green Full Vent was my choice for the really windy conditions.

…and that choice was a good one. The kite didn’t pull too much and handled the gusts pretty well. I started to fly down at the boardwalk next to the beach, but after some warming up I decided to look for something to play with. So I walked the kite into the park and found a couple of ‘installations’ looking kind of promising. I walked the kite over to a swing to do some … experimenting!

(Illustrative photo)
Hmmmm….. what if….. I put my flying lines on top of the swing and fly the kite down towards the ground…? Let’s give it a shot!
I must admit the surface on the top of the swing surely was not the smoothest, nope, quite abrasive, but it worked! And, WOW! this was fun! And somehow resembled the “taste” of dogstake flying. I could fly the kite over the swing, bending the lines and lay the kite flat on the ground behind the swing. Both flying forwards and backwards!
Up and down, and swooping the kite flat over just inches off the ground every time. Big fun! But let’s skip the talking and take a closer look at the fun in the video below!
…and by the way, no camera equipment was broken during the session! 😉