Why did he do that? Well, I guess he’d seen the weather forecast! Ballistic winds all week and it surely was! So Anders spent the days prior to the departure making kites so that we would have something to fly in the gale-force winds. Thankfully!

Because it was windy, very windy indeed! For the whole week, the winds came in from the sea at 14 to 22 meters per second and if we didn’t have the Hardcores, we wouldn’t have flown at all!
That was twenty years ago. This year we’re going to bring those ATFs to Denmark once again. Hopefully, we will not need them, but you never know. Suddenly the wind might pick up more than just s couple of notches and they might become useful!
But do they still fly?
Yesterday the sea breeze came in nicely and I grabbed one of them and headed for a new place to fly. A place I’ve been driving past a few times. Hopefully, it would be exposed to the sea breeze and a useful place to fly that super-vented kite.
But now, let’s have the video below tell the rest of the story!