The wind was supposed to die down at eleven, eleven thirty, so my plan was to get up reasonably early in the morning.
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The 27th Nordic Kite Meeting
Blokhus Denmark
June 2nd - 8th 2025
Blokhus Wind Festival
Blokhus Denmark
June 7th - 8th 2025

So I got up at eight and whether that’s early is up to you, but anyway I was on the beach as the clock turned nine-thirty in the morning! I was not alone on the beach, Nope, I had a handful of Rokkakus in my … hand! And one of them was the brand new one I made yesterday, More on that kite a little later in another post.

Because this post is all about the Big, Red and Shiny rokkaku I built, was it a couple of weeks ago? Yeah, I think so. The wind was coming in from the water from a north-westerly direction. Reasonably steady and I’d say about 3-4m/sec (7-9mph). More than enough to keep the big one in the air.

I was already flying three or four other Roks, and they were all sitting happily up there. Judging from those kites, the wind was nice and stable up in the air too so the conditions should be good and not (too) gusty for the much larger Rokkaku.

So I rolled out some 30 meters of flying line, assembled the kite and hooked it onto the line, ready to fly. I had to do some adjusting of the angle of attack before it was steady, and then it was up, up and away! No, not away, but, up, up, up!

And off course I’ve got the video to prove it! I hope you’ll like it!

A Good Day at the Office

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Where do we fly today?

Today - 17.03.2025 - the AERIALIS Team Flyers will fly at SALTUM BEACH!

Where to find us at the NKM 2025

We have two flying locations at NKM25: Blokhus Beach and Saltum Beach.

This popup will be updated daily throughout the week with the latest information on where we’ll be flying each day.

Be sure to check in if you’d like to join us on the beach!

Blokhus Beach

Saltum Beach

...days until departure!
...and we're off!
Transparent NKM logo

See you at the 26th
Nordic Kite Meeting!

Blokhus, Denmark

June 2nd to 8th, 2025

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