About this time of the year in 2011 the AERIALIS Team Flyers gathered for a quad kite building workshop.
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The 27th Nordic Kite Meeting
Blokhus Denmark
June 2nd - 8th 2025
Blokhus Wind Festival
Blokhus Denmark
June 7th - 8th 2025

When we headed back to our homes that Sunday in March eleven years ago, it was with four brand new quads. One in blue, one in green, one in red and one – mine – in Yellow. At that time I was 99.9% into dual lined sport kites and that yellow quad didn’t get much airtime … if any.

So the yellow quad kite spent pretty much the next six years hiding in one of my kite bags. But then in 2017, John Barresi threw one of his Quad Kite Clinics in Copenhagen, so I decided to dust off the Yellow and take part in that clinic. So I went there with Anders and Ivar and we surely had a GREAT time with John B and a bunch of other kite nerds taking part in that same clinic.

By the way, John B asked me (or rather all of us) how much experience we had flying quads, and I think he got a little surprised by my answer: “Well, two max three hours!” Which actually was true!

Anyway, since that weekend back in 2017 the Yellow kite has logged many, many, many more hours as I have turned more into quad kite flying. It now sits in my To-Go-QLK-Bag and when the wind is right it’s a treat to fly. It’s now bearing all the signs of many hours in the air, the wear and it’s patched up several times. But hey, it still flies great!

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See you at the 26th
Nordic Kite Meeting!

Blokhus, Denmark

May 13th - 19th, 2023

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