Fly Anywhere: Who Needs a Field?

denmark 2021
One great thing about quads... You really don't need a flying field!

Because – with a bit of practice – you can pretty much control your quad in the air and not having to run all over the place, a large flying field is not required.

You can stay stationary – well, give or take – and stay in control of your kite when flying. A lot less body language compared to dual line flying, where you have to move, some times run, up and down the field for speed control. With quads, you can do it with your wrists! 😁

This way of flying opens up a whole lot of interesting places to fly. You don’t need that large and obstacle-free field, but fly more or less wherever you like!

Who Needs a Field?

Who Needs a Field?


4 responses

  1. I like the axels at 1:54 and 2:00 and similar movements where the kite floats around and is close to horizontal with a temporary twist going through the sail. They remind of some swimming sea animal – Perhaps a manta ray or (the edge of) a jellyfish?

  2. Axels (quad axels) have been frustrating to me, so I have focused more on other stuff instead. However now (since recently) I think that I can perform them in one way with a decent successrate. In light wind I let the kite glide downwards while moving forwards (LE parallel with the horizon) with maximum brakes applied. Then I don’t suddenly ”stab the water melon” backwards (as suggested) with one hand to execute the axel – I instead more gently ”start a mini lawn mover” with one hand (though at a funny arm angle to start a lawn mover). The result (using my Rev B-series std) is not a graceful manta ray turn axel, more like a sudden ”boiling” popcorn “explosion” axel – it somewhat jumps up in a bubbly way.

    I’m not aware of any names of various axel movement types, so I guess a manta ray axel and a popcorn axel could work well for distinguishing these two types.

    1. Axels….. When you set them up correctly, it takes such a small input to pull them off. Especially (off course) in lower winds.

      All it takes is just a quick flick of the wrist – emphasising on the break line – and then allow plenty of slack to the flying lines allowing for that full rotation. Sometimes you need to move downwind as well if the kite decides to “float” away from you while rotating.

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June 2nd to 8th, 2025

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