There are still a few days to go, but I know from experience that it’s a smart move to collect – and pack – all the required stuff in time.
So for this year’s Nordic Kite Meeting, I’ve now got three bags stuffed with kites sitting in my basement:
- The To-Go Bag
- The Classics Bag
- The Pleasures Bag
So… What are the differences between these bags apart from the colour Well, here we go…
The To-Go Bag
This is definitely the most important one of the tree. Inside it, you will find my complete set of Nirvanas, the ones used both for solo and team flying. They cover the complete wind range from next to nothing up to gale force; one Super ultra lights, three Ultra Light, three Standards and one Vented.

In addition to the duallies I carry all my quad lines in the To-Go Bag too. These kites also cover pretty much all wind conditions, perhaps lacking somewhat at either end of the wind range. However, I’m pretty good covered.
This bag also contains a pile of line sets for both dual and quad lined flying in addition to a decent selection of rods, spare parts and repair tools. All I need for a day on the field.
The Classics Bag
You might have read about the new column here at AERIALIS Kites, the Stunt Kite Classics. Yes, I’m going to put a whole bunch of my classic duallies through the paces and write a quick review or summary of each and every one of them.

Hopefully, I will have both the time and right conditions to fly them at the NKM and have enough to write about when I get back home.
There are quite a nice collection of classic kites in this bag right now. Here are a few examples…
- Gemini
- MiniGem
- Elixir
- Illusion
- Eclipse
- Midi Sandpiper
- Jam Session
- Air dynamics T2
- Dharma
- Feather
- Isis
- Pro Reactor
- …and a handful more
I’m pretty sure I won’t be able to fly them all, but I promise to do my best and of course keep you updated here at AERIALIS Kites, so stay put!
The Pleasures
In this bag, you have all the fun kites that I really like to fly. You know, just for the fun of it.

So what are the kites in this bag you may wonder? Well, the pile of kites by German Kitehouse, a Cosmic Ghost, Cosmic UL and STD, a super floaty indoor/low wind Sphere and a Sin. In the bag, you will also find the l’Atelier Transfer and Double Zero in addition to the iTrix, a really cool Indore kite that comes packed with tricks.

There are probably a few more in that bag that I can’t quite remember right now, and a few SLKs as well.
So as you can see, I’m very well equipped for the days on the beach at the NKM!