Decent day, decent temperatures, decent wind. What more can one ask for? Not much I’d say! So let’s get the action going!
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The 27th Nordic Kite Meeting
Blokhus Denmark
June 2nd - 8th 2025
Blokhus Wind Festival
Blokhus Denmark
June 7th - 8th 2025

Yeah, supersmooth it was! I managed to squeeze in some flying between a few domestic duties. So at about five or so o’clock I headed for one of the local beaches that should be good for flying given the current wind direction.

But when I got to the beach the direction had changed somewhat leaving the beach in an area of heavy turbulence. So I decided to walk a few minutes to look for a better flying spot. It didn’t take long until I found it. It was a pretty rocky surface so I had to watch my steps not tripping.

But the wind was great, onshore and … yes, supersmooth! ????

I started to fly and having great fun. There were also a pile of rocks to play with. Tipstabbing and a whole lot of fun stuff.

Well, I’m gonna shut up now and let the video do the rest of the talking!

But hey, I soon got a surprise for you all. While flying I was visited by a guy that added another dimension to my flying!

Stay tuned and I’ll soon let you in on it!

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...days until departure!
...and we're off!
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See you at the 26th
Nordic Kite Meeting!

Blokhus, Denmark

May 13th - 19th, 2023

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