There’s no hurry! Go with the slow! …and (at least pretend) you’re in total control of your kite! 😉
I really like when the winds are smooth and you can fly your kite really slowly, I mean REALLY slowly. And flying a quad kite – where you can control its angle of attack using your wrists and handles – you can make it fly soooo incredibly slow.
The best conditions, smooth winds, cater for such controlled flying. Just like yesterday when the wind came in from the sea, glass smooth allowing for some very decent quality flying at the beach. I flew one of my vented kites, the wind perhaps a tad low for being optimal, but plenty for keeping the kite in the air and carving close to perfect geometric figures in the air.
Like you can see in the video below. Practicing reversed flying, cool diamonds, snakes, inverted slides and other goodies.
Just check it out!