After having made the templates and found the proper spars for framing, it was time for the icarex.
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The 27th Nordic Kite Meeting
Blokhus Denmark
June 2nd - 8th 2025
Blokhus Wind Festival
Blokhus Denmark
June 7th - 8th 2025

But what colours to choose?

There was time for another dive deep into my kite cave down in the basement. Behind a couple of hard stuffed kite bags and some banners I keep a handful of cardboard boxes with fabric.

I headed for the box filled with icarex in various quantities, shapes and colours. Hmmmm… Plenty to choose from.

First ... Grey

First Grey

To cut a long story short I ended up with stone grey and deep purple. I think they go well together and being on the dark end of the scale I know the kite will look distinct on video.

Grey and deep purple, a good combination IMO
Grey and deep purple, a good combination IMO

Here’s a smart trick I once learned from Anders Matson. In order to allow sewing margin when drawing the templates onto the fabric is to tape two pens or pencils together. Follow the template with one of the pencils and the other one will ‘automatically’ draw a line approximately one cm outside the template. VOILA! You’ve got your margin!

Two pens/pencils taped together
Two pens/pencils taped together

Easy to draw the margin for hemming ... or whatever
Easy to draw the margin for hemming … or whatever

It didn’t take too long until I had finished both drawing and cutting the pieces for the sail.

Now I can start the sewing … or prepare the dacron, net, bungee, …  or whatever!

Spars and sail ready

So stay tuned for the progress, ’cause this is to be continued!

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  1. > Here’s a smart trick I once learned from Anders Matson. In order to allow sewing margin when drawing the templates onto the fabric is to tape two pens or pencils together. Follow the template with one of the pencils and the other one will ‘automatically’ draw a line approximately one cm outside the template

    Good one! The “standard” way ( ) using a pen and a washer only works for thicker templates (etc..).

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...days until departure!
...and we're off!
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See you at the 26th
Nordic Kite Meeting!

Blokhus, Denmark

May 13th - 19th, 2023

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