I haven’t been flying for quite some time now, but now I can see a light in the tunnel!
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The 27th Nordic Kite Meeting
Blokhus Denmark
June 2nd - 8th 2025
Blokhus Wind Festival
Blokhus Denmark
June 7th - 8th 2025

There are two main reasons for not have being able to go flying lately.

  1. Bad conditions
  2. Tight logistics

This time of year, the weather can be challenging here in my neck of the woods. We often get it all, snow, sleet, rain, fog, gale, yeah, you name it!

In addition time of daylight is very limited now. It’s not daylight until 9:30’is and pitch-black again between 15:00 and 15:30.

Heck, if rainy, it won’t actually get light at all. And all of this makes flying difficult.

I also run a pretty tight logistics schedule. Work, domestic duties and our horses put a significant limitation to available time for flying. And with X-mas coming up doesn’t free up flying time either.

But now there might be a tiny slot for putting in some serious flying time!

Saturday looks promising!
Saturday looks promising!

I have a few spare hours this coming Saturday, and according to the guys at YR, a nice westerly breeze will be coming in from the sea at about 3-4m/sec. Maby a light drizzle in the morning hours, but if you can fly your kite into the water, I’m sure it can take some light precipitation too! 👍

It’s all about to dress for the occasion, grab a thermos of hot, black coffee, and hit the field… or beach actually.

I’m ready!

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Where do we fly today?

Today - 10.02.2025 - the AERIALIS Team Flyers will fly at SALTUM BEACH!

Where to find us at the NKM 2025

There are two locations for us to fly at the NKM25, Blokhus Beach and Saltum Beach.

This popup will be updated every day during the week with information on where we fly each day.

So make sure to browse by if you want to join us on the beach!

Blokhus Beach

Saltum Beach

...days until departure!
...and we're off!
Transparent NKM logo

See you at the 26th
Nordic Kite Meeting!

Blokhus, Denmark

June 2nd to 8th, 2025

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