I have received quite a few comments to my Axel Tutorial which I posted a few days ago. Than you all for commenting on my stuff and sharing your tips for how to improve my axels! APPRECIATED!
So inspired by your feedback, I just had to go flying yesterday, to try them out. Most of your comments are about the flatness, or rather, the lack of flatness of my axels. And I totally agree. I want them FLATTER! But how do I do it?
Until now, the flattest of my axels have been coming kind of like accidental. I’ve been playing with the setup to have them as flat as possible, and the have become flatter. But you know, that last bit have been missing from my toolbox.
Until now! Thanks to you!
As both John Barresi and Marc van der Graaf point out, I must put on more brake to have the kite to really flatten out before popping it.
Nice video! Adding, I also notice (1) you are SUPER deep maybe 1/4 to 1/3 into the rotation before your strike and (2) not using enough brake dominance to make it flat, can actually see the LE getting hit with your input half the time which just keeps the sail open.
John Barresi
Try to push your thumb more (left hand) to make the axels flat.
Marc van der Graaf
More slack helps too but the right timing is than even more important
So with this in mind, I popped a few axels with a slightly different approach. And WOW, did that make a difference!
With just a little more brake (pushing my thumb forward a little) surely flattened the kite setting it up for the pop and quite a few of my axels now became super-flat! Not all of them, but the major part were definitely flatter than they have used to be.
And this jst by this tiny little detail, applying just a fraction of more brake to the inner handm and …. VOILA!