The wind came in along the beach so not quite onshore conditions today. But not bad for a September afternoon. Nice temps, t-shirt, a pair of shorts, cool music on the stereo and a Skiron at the end of the lines. Goodie!
I was experimenting with the axels today, and when you set ’em up correctly, the Skiron will do them super flat! Yeah, get the kite in that perfect position, and when you flic a break line…. Wow!
They can be done fast too! Really fast! It could be that the added vertical spars adds enough momentum making the kite flatspin really fast. ….or maybe it’s the rather stiff and ‘slippery’ dacron bands making it possible. …or perhaps a combination of the both.
Well, I really can’t say, but the Skiron does flat and fast axels. Oh, and they can be executed slowly as well!
Here’s a quick video of a few of today’s axels!