So that’s what we did. Marco had arrived at the summer house in the afternoon on Monday, so he was off course sleeping when we knocked on the door. Thankfully, the door wasn’t closed so we could sneak inside and find our bedrooms. Five minutes later we were all asleep.
Wqking up a couple of hours later, the sun was up and warming. It was time for some coffee and breakfast before making sure all the kites were in the car before leaving for the beach, the Saltum Beach.
Yes, the Wind Festival i s taking place in Blokhus, but the beach at Saltum is much larger, much longer distance from the dunes to the water. So by offshore winds, Saltum Beach is a much better place to fly because you can get further away from the dunes and hopefully reduce some of the turbulence these dunes will create.
The wind wasn’t too bad as we flew as far away from the dunes as possible and we were soon well into the team routine!