Despite the chilly conditions, it sure looked like I could be in for a couple of hours of kite flying on one of the many local beaches. Based on the wind direction a beach exposed to winds from the west would be a good choice.
So I opted for a place called Flantorsk, a really picturesque location shaped by the water and the tide. Now it was low tide and plenty of dry land to fly from.
But while driving to the beach I got kind of concerned about the wind. It seemed to die down much earlier than forecast. But when I got to the parking and started to walk those fifteen minutes down to the beach, the wind seemed to pick up again.
So I started flying the A-Quad Semivented on 30 meters lines…

…but pretty soon the wind began to drop again and after a while, that combo was a bit too heavy for the light winds. So it was time for a change! I grabbed for the A-Quad Standard an a 10m set of lines and I soon had that kite up in the air.
Yes, the Standard surely flies in low winds. I didn’t bring my wind meter but my qualified guesstimate would be around one maybe one and a half meters per second. (2-4mph). And here’s the video to prove it! 👌