Dear Kite flyers
First of all, I would like to wish you all a very happy and prosperous new year.
I´m very excited to announce Blokhus Wind Festival 2023, will take place on Saturday 27 May and Sunday 28 May during Whitsun.
I have enclosed a special offer from Blokhus Natur Camping, offering accommodation at a very good rate for all participants of the Blokhus Wind Festival. Whitsun is categorized as high season, so accommodation can be a bit pricey otherwise.
This year I have decided to focus on 2 full days. But if you have the time and desire, you are more than welcome to stay even longer.
I hope you all will participate on the beach both days from 10 am – 4 pm. In this time of period the main event will take place and I hope to see the sky full of amazing kites. If you wish to fly for longer, you are of course welcome to do so.
The full program is in the making and will follow soon. Please feel free to follow Blokhus Wind festival 2023 on Facebook and add yourself to the event if you are planning on joining.
The evening before it all kicks off (Friday), we will be marking out areas for you to fly. We can always use an extra hand, so please feel free to pop down to give a hand. The same goes for Sunday afternoon. It is not a requirement, just a friendly request 🙂
I´m working on getting some great deals for you to use during your stay- More about that later.
I will be on the beach all day both days, so don´t hesitate to come to find me if you have any questions or enquiries. I can also be reached on +45 41 91 39 76.
If you wish to participate, please send me an e-mail to jhg@jammerbugt, telling me a bit about yourself and what kind of kites you are planning on bringing.
I’m very much looking forward to welcoming both new and old participants to Blokhus Wind Festival 2023 😊

Listen to “Jette” reading her letter!