In a previous post here at the AERIALIS Kites’ website, I dug out an old WSO Standard, removed its bridle and set up a new one…bridle that is.
With a bit of field tweaking I managed to fly it, but there still were some issues waiting to be taken care of. I kind of remembered a drawing somewhere that described how to convert a dual lined bridle to a quad lined bridle. But… I could not quite remember where I’d seen that drawing.
Until one day I suddenly got an idea where to look. “The Magnificent Book of Kites” by Maxwell Eden.

And there it was! On page 425!

So i made four ‘pigtails’ and used a prussik knot to tie them onto the bridle legs; no modifications required for the original dual lined bridle. So with that setup installed, I attached my 10m quad lined set to the duallie, rested it on its wing tips and I was ready to launch!
Not to bad on the first try and with some bridle tweaks it looked like this!