I’ve been playing with this thought for a while and a few days ago I stumbled upon an offer I couldn’t resist!
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The 27th Nordic Kite Meeting
Blokhus Denmark
June 2nd - 8th 2025
Blokhus Wind Festival
Blokhus Denmark
June 7th - 8th 2025

So, what’s this project all about you might ask. Well, it’s too early to reveal. A few more things have to be sorted out before I can let you all in on it…

…other than publish a couple of more blurred photos. You know, just to tickle your fancy! ?

But rest assured, I certainly will keep you posted here on the website and in the AERIALIS Kites social media channels.

So just check by every now and then to follow along on this project!

Come on! Have a guess!
Come on! Have a guess!
Leading you in some kind of direction ... or not
Leading you in some kind of direction … or not

One Response

  1. So how to handle this enigma? First copy the last (and least) blurred image to the image manipulation program GIMP, then *sharpen* it (no the sharpen piece of magic doesn’t actually help here), shrink it and then export it as ascii art so that it can be posted/hosted here. As you can see the result is clear:

    i|:=||:|:=va:-:-: . -===%
    ivs>: ;=ue` :o; _=_<ov%l
    iivv=..:=n( )Wz. vXXX#1–
    i|vl==; __vZl. )21Xmz
    iiv>;<; .)nvXW(
    iii::i`.v+ <*Ious.<nvX1`
    |-=._::<Z. ::=Xmo-<#Z1.<v==|+:=}` .=oivi=| up. v1lv>
    ::||:v#+-i= .

    Beautiful! (Not certain that viewing the image with a constant width font really would help here though) 🙂

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...days until departure!
...and we're off!
Transparent NKM logo

See you at the 26th
Nordic Kite Meeting!

Blokhus, Denmark

May 13th - 19th, 2023

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