After feeding the horses I took off to the beach bacause the conditions were perfect for kite aerial photography! A smooth onshore wind strong enough (7mes’ish) to easiy lift the KAP rig off of the ground and stable enough to keep it there reasonably steady in the air. Promising!
I assembled the Rokkaku, attached it to the flying line and let out thirty meters give or take before hooking the rig on to the line. I slowly let out more line while watching the kite lifting the rig higher and higher up into the air. I could see that the rig ‘floated’ steadily helped by the picavet and (IMO) the wind vane.
I set up one of my quads and flew it hoping the video camera was able to pick up at least some of the flying. 😉
After a few minutes I brought the rig down and checked out the video.
WOW! Soo cool!
I was right, the rig had sat pretty stable up there making the footage look good. Not to much swaying around and pretty focused too!
I decided to change the Rok’s anchor point to get footage from another view. I also gave the QKL another go yet again hoping to get some of it on video.
Well, enough said. I’ll let the photos do the rest of the talking!