Yeah, this is going to take some time, but the recreation of the close to 400 posts are half way completed today. Now that’s a milestone! ????
I manually go through all posts checking for suspicious elements, clean it all up and export the clean posts to an xml-file which I then import into the new website. I go month by month, and earlier today all posts from March 2019 and until today are recovered.
There are some adjustments needed for the posts in the Fly Anywhere and Stunt Kite Classics categories, but nothing beyond repairable. ????
I’ve also recreated the AERIALIS Team Flyers pages so that you once again can read about the pilots and our team kites. The Contact page is also back online, so if you have anything on your mind, don’t hesitate to get in touch.
My plan is to have all the remaining (older) posts recovered and back online again in a week or so. So hopefully, it won’t take too long until the AERIALIS Kites website is back to normal again.
…and I might have a surprise for you up my sleeve. So please stay tuned! ????