Why? You might ask. Well, there’s a good reason behind it. Despite being a major upgrade – we’re going from v.5.7.2 to v5.8 – there is always some stuff never discovered while beta testing. But as soon as the upgrade is rolling out, these things pop up, reported and taken care of. Then a patch – 5.8.1 – will be released and by that time it’s pretty safe to upgrade the WordPress core on a live site like this one.
However, I do also have a staging site up and running where I can test out new stuff before applying them to a live site. So today I upgraded the WordPress core to v. 5.8 on that staging site of mine and started to play around.
So far everything seems to work fine, and I will be doing some more tweaking to that staging site in the days to come to see if it will continue to behave! 😉 And hopefully, the real AERIALIS Kites website is soon to be running on the latest version of WordPress too!
I’ll keep you posted.