…or the wind indicator if you like. A nifty little gadget that sits well on the flying field!
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The 26th Nordic Kite Meeting
Blokhus Denmark
May 13th - 19th 2024
Blokhus Wind Festival
Blokhus Denmark
May 18th - 19th 2024

Sometimes when you’re at the field flying, it’s nice to have something that will indicate the wind direction and wind speed. This is where the W-indicator comes to play!

The W-indicator

Yeah, W-indicator, pun intended! But … jokes aside, this is a nifty little gadget that will show you just what you’re after; the wind direction and the wind speed by just taking a quick look at it!

And best of all, it’s very easy to make one yourself. Here’s how!

The W-indicator
First cut three lengths of ripstop nylon like this (approx 25 by 3cm)
The W-indicator
Then gather the three ends together
The W-indicator
Then cut a tiny piece of dacron (approx 6 x 3cm) and fold it over the end of the three pieces of ripstop.
The W-indicator
Then make a seam across the dacron.
It should end up something like this.
The W-indicator
Fold a piece of wire in two and insert one end of it into an electrical drill.
The W-indicator
Here’s a closeup
The W-indicator
Hook the other end of the folded wire onto something solid and fire up your drill. After just a few seconds you’ll end up with a nice, straight, twisted wire.
The W-indicator
Cut the wire with a suitable set of pliers.
The W-indicator
Finally all there’s left to do is to thread the three sewn-together pieces of ripstop onto the wire.
The W-indicator
Insert the wire into a suitable carbon or glass fibre rod and the W-indicator is good to go!
The W-indicator
…and here’s what it looks like on a dark and dismal flying field!

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See you at the 26th
Nordic Kite Meeting!

Blokhus, Denmark

May 13th - 19th, 2023

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