The ingress above is taken from Wikipedia’s introduction of Kite Aerial Photography, or KAP for simplicity. Attach a camera to your flying line and have a kite to lift it all while shooting pictures or film.
Some years ago I made a very simple KAP-rig and shot some video at a local beach. The quality is not much, but the video at least give you some impression of what it’s all about.
Recently I dug up that old rig and modified it to fit my Contour action camera. I used back few bits’n’pieces from the old rig and more stuff from … here and there.
Inspired by these two videos…
... I ended up with this!

Now all I need is to haul a large rokkaku out of it’s hiding and wait for some wind to test this new KAP-rig.
As soon as footage is available I’ll publish it gets at AERIALIS Kites!