Cosmic TC

The Cosmic TC was a revelation to me and capable of all the tricks in that famous book.

Getting to grips with the Cosmic TC

, by sven arnesen

The Cosmic TC and trickability

The Axel

Flat and gracefully or sharp and snappy, your choice! Just do the required input. However, this kite has loooong wings tips and they can catch a line so make sure to give enough slack in your flying lines!

The Fade

It's pitchy-ness makes it somewhat unstable in the fade position and it will probably need some tending, especially in bumpy winds. But it's easy to get into that fade position, and the fade is a great starting point for other tricks like Jacob's Ladders, Yo-Fade, Backspin Rollup-variations. This kite is a freestyle machine and transitions are easy available!

The Flic Flac

The Cosmic won't do the normal type of flic-flac. Why? Well, when the kite is in the Pancake position, a pull on both lines will only pull the kite backwards towards the pilot. However, if you wait for the pull until the kite's nose starts to rise again (kind of overrotating), then a sharp pull on both lines will rotate it back to the fade. When you get the hang of it it looks really cool!

The Side Slide

Despite it's high ratio, the Cosmic will do looooong and elegant side slides. In lower winds it will slide all the way across the window - with a little tending.

The 540 Flatspin

Like for the axel, the Cosmic will do slow and gracious or sharp and snappy 540'ies depending on the input. Once again you must make sure to give enough slack in your lines to prevent a tip catching a line, but other than that, the Cosmic will do great looking flatspins!

The Backflip

Whoa! This kite excells when it comes to backflipping! ...and Yo-Yos! Backflips are stable and easy accessible from a whole range of setups allowing for multiple Yo-Yos, Flapjacks, Multiple Lazy Susans, Wap do Waps and others. Way Cool!

The Cosmic TC and precision flying

Precision Flying

The Cosmic TC (TC = Trick Competition) is a very trick/freestyle oriented kite. Despite being able to do (almost) any trick in that famous book, flown correctly it can also do decent presicion moves. It tracks pretty well, but needs tending. No oversteer tendencies so snappy combination turns are there for the (more experienced) pilot. But the pilot needs to stay alert, The Cosmic doesn't give away in the presicion department, but it's there ... especially in it's lower wind range.

Speed Control

Well.... Speed control is somewhat difficult with this kite and you need to work for it (read: run on the ground in windy conditions). In it's lower wind range it's easyer - off course - but as it's name indicates - this kite is built for tricks!

The hard facts

My Cosmic TC
MY Cosmic TC
Kite Type
Freestyle kite
250 cm
96.5 cm

Cosmic TC

Web Designer
The Cosmic TC was a revelation to me and capable of all the tricks in that famous book.


Just Fly!

Where do we fly today?

Today - 10.02.2025 - the AERIALIS Team Flyers will fly at SALTUM BEACH!

Where to find us at the NKM 2025

There are two locations for us to fly at the NKM25, Blokhus Beach and Saltum Beach.

This popup will be updated every day during the week with information on where we fly each day.

So make sure to browse by if you want to join us on the beach!

Blokhus Beach

Saltum Beach

...days until departure!
...and we're off!
Transparent NKM logo

See you at the 26th
Nordic Kite Meeting!

Blokhus, Denmark

June 2nd to 8th, 2025

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